April 30, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Ethan !!!

Yiiiiippppppeeee !!! Mommy, Daddy & sissy Erin took off a 1/2 day and we all went to the Zoo. We had a lot of fun. We had lunch in the park and then we strolled and walked around the St. Louis Zoo. Then we left and went to dinner at The Texas Roadhouse. It was alot of fun. I got to order off the kids menu. but, Mommy knows what I like. I ate mac & cheese, baked patatoe, green beans & applesauce. I was hungury !!! Then all the servers came over and I sat on a horse saddle and they all said Happy Birthday to me and Yeeeee Hawwwww !!! Then Daddy gave me my very own little cake. I was not sure what they wanted me to do. Then sissy said "i know it your all talk to action." Then I had to show her so I smached the cake and ate it. It was very yummy ! Mommy did not let me eat to much of it though, I wonder why ???
Then we all headed home. I took a bath and I played for a little bit. I drank milk in my baba and I was OUT !!!! I had a awesome day!!!! Then they told me I get to do it all over agian SUNDAY with all my family & friends. Boy o Boy I cant wait !


mGk said...

Happy Birthday Ethan! Look at all those teeth! I can't believe how grown up our little babies are!


mGk said...

I hope Ethan's party was a huge success! We are so sorry we couldn't make it! Where has the time gone?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Thanks Maureen ! Yes it was ! I know the time has gone by so fast! I will hopefully post tomorrow.

Ugh! I forgot my password again!