March 3, 2008


Here is a picture of Mom & Ethan about a month ago. He had his 9 month check-up (well now he's 10months) and He is doing very well. He is in 90 % weight, 75% length, and 75% head cir. He had 2 shot; one in his arm and one in his leg. As you can imagine he does not like getting shots! He gave the nurse a very nasty look. (almost like he wanted to beat her up)A few days ago Ethan took 3 steps by himself, he also stood by himself for oh about 10 seconds. (10 long seconds to Mom & Dad)
He is saying some words, light (and he points to the light),Balloon(also points to the balloon)sock, truck, hot, and he waves (sometimes) He now has 4 teeth up front and 3 below. He is still slobering alot so we thing another tooth is one its way.
My Mom has taught him a lot! I am truly blessed to have her watching Ethan during the day.