January 22, 2009

I thought this was funny

I just thought it was funny but we all hope it wont really be like this.

January 20, 2009

A Day For History: Obama Takes Oath

WASHINGTON — Barack Hussein Obama takes the oath of office as 44th president of the United States today facing twin challenges of war and recession and an electorate that believes he's up to the task.

The nation's first African-American president also will face something more immediately imposing: a crowd that could exceed the record 1.2 million from Lyndon Johnson's inauguration in 1965, dotting the National Mall and lining the Pennsylvania Avenue parade route to the White House.

Then there will be the ghosts of presidents and preachers past: Abraham Lincoln, whose Bible will be used for the first time since his presidency. Franklin Roosevelt, the last incoming president to face an economy in such disarray. John Kennedy, whose youth and relative inexperience Obama shares. And Martin Luther King Jr., whose 80th birthday was celebrated Monday; he was assassinated when Obama was 6.

Center stage will be Obama, the son of a Kenyan father and a mother from Kansas, who rose from the obscurity of the Illinois state Senate in 2004 to the most powerful job in the world.

January 16, 2009

I wish I was here !!!!

The temp is 0 in St. Louis today so I realy want to be on a beach somewhere. :)

10 % !!!!

Yes I have finally reached my first of my many weight loss goals !! I have lost 10% of my weight when I started with Weight Watchers!!!! I wanted to meet this goal back in Nov. but My birthday came and then Thanksgiving and then Christmas !!! So I was up and down for a few months. I got back on track the beginning of the year and I was determined to reach my 10% !!!! I am not going to tell you how many b/c with simple math you will kmow my weight and that remains my own for now :) I will just tell you it was A LOT !!!! I am so excited, I am going out for lunch today with some co-workers! Ummmmmm nothing too bad. Maybe... Stl. Bread Co., Moe's Southwest Grill or Noodles Co. I am sure it will be good !

January 15, 2009

January 14, 2009

In the motherhood

In the motherhood

One of my favorite sites !!! Check it out !!! New episodes coming this Spring !! (FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Michael Buble

Michael Buble

HOT HOT HOT ! ! ! ! !


The Young and the Restless: Watch Full Episodes and Video and Join the Ultimate Fan Community - CBS.com

The Young and the Restless: Watch Full Episodes and Video and Join the Ultimate Fan Community - CBS.com

This is one of my favorite shows. I have been watching this show since I was a teenager (early-mid 80's) Please let me know if this is your fav. show and we can talk about all the crazy stuff going on. I think Jack is gitting whats coming to him. Phyllis will get hers! Too bad Phyllis but if you play that many games it will come back and get you :(
My prediction is NIck & Sharon will get back together and live happly ever after.
Nikki needs to get a life as well as Brad. I have so much more but I have to go. (Get back to work)


This pic. was taken last July 2008 !

Please read !

The worst of the cheap: What are the 5 unhealthiest fast food value items you can order? by Jessica Ashley, Shine staff, on Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:20am PST Read More from This Author » 230 Comments Post a Comment Report Abuse When budgets and schedules are tight, it makes sense that people feel an even stronger impulse to whip through the drive-through for dinner. It's hard not to consider a value meal, even if it's not one of the healthier items on the menu, when it only costs a few dollars for a full plate (or tray or bag, as the case may be) of food.

The Cancer Project, a nonprofit cancer prevention organization that is linked with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, is concerned that these economic times are not just driving people to eat more fast food, but to regularly consume meals full of unhealthy ingredients. Dollar meals, they say, might not be such a good value once the health implications are factored in. Their biggest issues for low-cost fast food? All the processed meat, salt, cholesterol and fat wrapped into each meal.

The organization put their dietitians to work to determine what meals at the five biggest fast food chains are the worst offenders for our health, measuring the sodium, fat, and fiber content. Here are the five meals they deemed the worst of the fast and the cheap:

1. Jack in the Box's junior bacon cheeseburger (23 grams of fat, including 8 grams of saturated fat, 55 milligrams of cholesterol, 860 milligrams of sodium, 1 gram of fiber) costs $1 and is the organization's top pick for unhealthy fast food.

2. Taco Bell cheesy double beef burrito (460 calories, 20 grams of fat, and 1,620 milligrams of sodium) is 89 cents.

3. Burger King breakfast sausage biscuit (27 grams of fat, including 15 grams of saturated fat, and more than 1,000 milligrams of sodium) is available for one dollar.

4. McDonald’s McDouble (19 grams of fat and 65 milligrams of cholesterol) costs the consumer $1.

5. Wendy’s junior bacon cheeseburger (310 calories and 16 grams of fat) is the most expensive and the best of the worst, ringing in at $1.53.

To be fair, it should be noted that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine does promote vegetarian diets that are low-fat. But I have to admit, after reading the nutritional make-up of those fast food menu items, I feel like my arteries are getting clogged just noting all the fat and salt packed into each one.

Does the cost and convenience of fast food lure you into unhealthy eating, especially in this economy?

Does seeing how unhealthy these cheap eats are make you really crave a salad for dinner or will you order them up again anyway?

I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS ARTICAL A FRIENDS SENT TO ME !! Once again my New Years resalution is to get healthy and lose some weight ! Well I am sticking to it this year. Having Ethan braught me to look at my 'goals" in a new light. I thought to my self .. How am I going to keep up with him? I can barly walk up a flight of stairs ....As you know he is almost 2 years old and he can MOVE ! So last June I recommited myself to join Weight Watchers. So far I have lost about 25 pounds !!!
I am feeling better than I have in a long time! I am eating healthy and eating what I want. If I want a cheeseburger I can have it ! I just adjust my points for that day or week. If I want chocolate I CAN HAVE IT !!! I love this program !!

January 12, 2009

Happy 1st month B-day Braeton !

Hi! Last night Ethan & I went to see Braeton at Childrens. I got to HOLD MY NEPHEW for the first time!!!! He slept in my arms as Sara & I talked. He made some "gas" faces and squrimed around a bit! He is doing really well and the Doctor tells us that as soon as he starts pooping regularly HE GETS TO GO HOME !!!! I dont have any new pictures to post. :( Hopefully I will soon ! I plan on going down...hopefully this week. ??? Since highway 40 is closed it is hard to go down after work. I will ask Sara & Jeremy to get some new pictures so I can post them.
Thnaks fro your Thoughts & Prayers !

January 6, 2009

Update on Braeton !

Here is the latest update from an email I got form my sister Sara about Braeton.

We are taking a break in the Ronald McDonald Room here at Childrens and thought we'd give an update.Well today was the day Braeton was supposed to arrive (via c-section) but once again our little guy just couldnt miss x-mas!! This a.m. Braeton went back to surgery to remove the pins that helped bring his jaw forward and open up his airway...it was a sucess! However,he was so sedated that the ENT dr felt it was best to leave the Trach in for one more day.OUr next obstacle is getting Braeton to eat and poop.They dont think he has a blockage -just slow motility,Dr's to want to take another look at his heart to make sure the CO-ARC is still opening and that there will be no need for surgery on that. He may also need a few other surgeries down the road,but hope and pray he will be coming home with us shortly!! We knoe his big Angel brother,Alex is with us and watching over his little fisty brother ;-).Yes, A few nights ago little 3wk old Braeton had his first additude w/Mommy and smacked the binky out of my hand and gave Mommy the maddest look-all I could do was smile...he certainly has his big brothers personality!! Please keep updated via the blog as I may be too busy and my sis is doing a great job at it!!! Thanks to all for your prayers and support.Will try to check email when I can.

P.S. Paul-please keep playing "Upside Down" for Alex...and Braeton,THANK YOU!!!!

The picture was taken the last time I visited Braeton 1/2/09w/ my cell phone
**I have some other great pictures of Braeton but I am have some problems downloading them to my computer. I will post them asap !